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The marriage certificate for James William Harbott and Fanny (29/6/1863)(Great Great Grandparents) was the starting point for the Ewins connection. Fanny (sometimes spelt Fanney in censuses) was then 20, and her father Henry was a silk printer.

The 1851 census shows Henry, a silk printer, aged 40, living with his family at 18 Baker`s Row , West Ham, a small road just north of the present West Ham Underground station. His wife Elizabeth, aged 36, was formerly Rickman. Henry, Elizabeth, Jane and Charles had all been born in Mitcham, Surrey, but had already moved to West Ham by 1841, when Henry described himself as a copper plate printer. He also described himself as a copper plate printer in 1861, still living at the same address.

At the next census in 1871, Henry, Elizabeth and Annie had moved to Plough Road, Streatham, and they had a grandson, Henry Lane, living with them, together with a 4 year old named Amey Waggling. Ten years later, at a different Streatham address, they had been joined by a second, older, grandson, Albert, a carpenter. Henry Lane was a silk-dresser. These grandsons were the children of Jane and Joseph Henry Lane. Fanny`s brother Charles, an engineer`s labourer now married to Martha, stayed in West Ham.

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